MEGA EA Exchange Conference 2022
Accelerate business transformation with a connected enterprise architecture
The need to architect a future-proof enterprise that’s adaptable and strong has grown greater to meet the demands of business transformation. A connected enterprise architecture practice, that focuses more on what the business needs and that aligns EA with business, IT, data, and risk perspectives, is paramount to drive transformation initiatives.
1. Delivering value with a connected enterprise architecture Connecting enterprise architecture with business processes, data governance, and risk management is the key to unlock the full transformative potential of organizations by facilitating collaboration between business stakeholders and IT departments, enabling them to see how everything is connected and interdependent. 2. Ensuring success of your EA initiatives Learn how customers successfully gained strong recognition for EA contribution to business transformation. 3. What is expected from an Enterprise Architect in 2023? How cloud migration, security concerns and continuous transformation impact the role of enterprise architects. 4. Executing transformation with Solution Architecture
- best practices in agile environments As a result of the shift to agile methodologies, many development teams have stopped or scaled back their modelling and documenting efforts and tend now to rely on ad-hoc diagrams lacking consistency and leading to misunderstandings and issues. What are the key models for solution architecture in an agile environment? 5. Connecting Data Governance with strategic initiatives in 2023 While the need for a data governance program is widely accepted, many companies are struggling to quickly demonstrate value. See how linking data governance and enterprise architecture provides multiple benefits to ensure data initiatives support business needs. 6. The changing role of the risk manager in organizations: from gatekeeper to EA strategic partner As health, cyber and geopolitical crises have expanded, we will discuss with François Beaume (Vice president Risk and Insurance at Sonepar and Vice President Digital Transformation at AMRAE) the importance of the Risk manager role in today’s organizations.